Title: John Carter (2012)
Original UK Release Date: 9th March 2012
Original US Release Date: 9th March 2012
UK Rating: 12
US Rating: PG-13
Director: Andrew Stanton
Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
Plot: During the American Civil War, a former soldier searching for gold is transported to Mars. After forming an alliance with a princess he finds himself amidst another war and has to fight for his and the planets survival.
Mike's Review
Original UK Release Date: 9th March 2012
Original US Release Date: 9th March 2012
UK Rating: 12
US Rating: PG-13
Director: Andrew Stanton
Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
Plot: During the American Civil War, a former soldier searching for gold is transported to Mars. After forming an alliance with a princess he finds himself amidst another war and has to fight for his and the planets survival.
Mike's Review
I knew almost nothing about the story other than it
was set on Mars. I am not familiar with the stories about John Carter at all,
all I knew was its a big effects movie and considered a major flop at the box
office. Looking at the trailer it kind of reminded me of Prince of Persia with
the desert setting and a reluctant hero and heroine, but with aliens.
The story sees John Carter (Taylor
Kitsch), searching for gold during the American Civil
War. After finding a large amount of gold he encounters a mysterious man and
kills him in self-defence. He takes a medallion off the man and finds himself
transported to Mars. Once there he discovers that his Earth heritage gives him
great abilities when once again he is thrust into a civil war and must fight
for his survival.
The film stars Taylor
Kitsch, Lynn
Collins, Samantha
Morton, Willem
Dafoe, Thomas
Haden Church, Dominic
West, Mark
Strong & CiarĂ¡n
Hinds. A great cast of actors many from the UK and they
are all well used in the film. Taylor
Kitsch is great in the starring role, but the stand out
performance for me was Dominic West as Sab Than. He plays
the ruthless character perfectly. Hungry for power and destruction, he asks for
his rival’s daughters hand in marriage to end the war. He has powers granted to
him that rival John Carter’s abilities and is a formidable opponent.
effects in the film are completely mind blowing. But once again this is to be
expected in modern films especially those with a budget of around $250,000,000! It was definitely
money well spent as the film looks incredible from the flying vehicles to the
four armed giant natives. Watching the natives fighting is spectacular.
story is also good, but one we have seen many times before. However setting it
on Mars makes a nice change and allows for a lot of creativity. The mix of
technology and primitive weapons works well and allows for some spectacular
fights and battles.
was a great film, really fun to watch and enjoyable. But it wasn’t anything
more than we have seen before. There are elements of The Scorpion King, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Clash of the Titans. However, it was a good
and original idea to set it on Mars and this worked really well.
believe the reason it failed for Disney was that not enough people knew or
cared about the story to make this a big hit. The original story was written by
Edgar Rice Burroughs in 1912. There have
been various book and comics about the character but it is still a very little
known story. Maybe if it was an original story more people would have seen it,
as I believe some would have been put off by a story they thought they needed
some background knowledge of, but this isn’t the case. It's a good film and no
prior knowledge of the story is needed.
film is definitely worth seeing, especially if you are an Action/Sci-Fi fan as it
is one of the good ones.
8 out of 10
Additional Information
Stand out performance: Dominic West as Sab Than
8 out of 10
Additional Information
Stand out performance: Dominic West as Sab Than
Good review Mike. Kitsch could have definitely been a little bit more charismatic but the flick still works due to amazing special effects and some really fun and exciting action. Sad thing is that this flick was made for $250 million and won’t make any of it back.